Riding the Waves with Abba!

By Mary Denison Williams

Read: Psalm 139:1-10

“Mary, climb on my back,” my dad directed me. “I am going to teach you to swim.” We had just moved to San Diego, California, and he and I were in the surf at Pacific Beach. I put my arms around his neck and he swam out beyond the waves, beyond any other swimmers at the beach. I was seven years old and I couldn’t swim, but I had no fear because I was with Daddy.

Out beyond the waves, I learned to float and then to swim. He told me that when the waves came they would sometimes overpower me and take me down to the bottom, but I was not to be afraid. He said if I held my breath and did not fight the waves, they would eventually bring me up and I could swim my way to the top again. Then I could ride the next wave and swim into shore.

As with so many things my dad taught me, I learned life lessons along with practical lessons. There have been times when I have felt overwhelmed by wave after wave of life’s troubles. When I feel defeated by these storms of life, I remember my father’s words the day he took me beyond the waves to calm waters and taught me to swim. His words give me courage.

Just as my father prepared me to ride the waves that at times overcame me at the beach, our Father assures us in his Word that he is with us in the storms of our lives. Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have told you these things so you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” His Words give us Peace.

Prayer: Abba, Father, In the midst of a storm, please help us to remember your Words and not be afraid. Thank you for your promise that you are always with us and will never forsake us. Please give us your Peace.